Exams & Testing
Comprehensive Eye Exams
A comprehensive eye exam uses a wide range of tests and procedures to evaluate the overall vision and health of your eyes. The exam may take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to complete.
One of the most common ways to determine the sharpness of your vision, and how well you are able to identify fine details, is the Snellen eye chart test. Most people would recognize this test as the one with the large “E” at the top and eleven sequential rows of capital letters. The fourth line from the bottom is considered “20/20” vision. 20/20 vision means you can see as well at 20 feet as someone with adequate visual acuity should. It generally means you do not need corrective lenses to drive or do other everyday activities. This test, along with several others, help the optometrist or ophthalmologist determine your unique prescription if one is needed.
During a comprehensive eye exam, your eye doctor does much more than just determine your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses. Our doctors will also check your eyes for common eye diseases, color vision, assess how your eyes work together, and evaluate your eyes as an indicator of your overall health.
Who Should Get an Eye Exam?
Comprehensive eye exams should begin at a very early age to ensure proper eye and vision development. Annual or biannual eye examinations for both children and adults is important to keep any prescription current and to check for early signs of various eye diseases and vision changes. Often, eye and vision problems do not have obvious symptoms or signs but are easily diagnosed by a licensed optometrist. By identifying and diagnosing eye conditions early on, we can provide treatment options for preventing vision loss and in some cases, restoring vision.
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At Bergstrom Eye and Laser Clinic, our goal is to provide the highest quality of care in a compassionate and ethical manner. We believe that vision is one of our most precious gifts.